Tim Waters - Portfolio

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25 years experience.Available now!

I have a range of skills including UX analysis, UI design to Front-end development. I specialise in working with business ensuring the UI is built to a high standard with a focus on its delivery. I have a professional attitude and I'm motivated by team work.

I'm skilled in UX research and can find out what the user really wants. I have the communication skills to demonstrate these insights to a business so they can act with confidence. I'm able to understand and reflect on achievements and learn from mistakes.

I can develop and managing design systems, modeling the UI to ensure it is maintainable and testable. I have extensive experience fitting in with development teams where SOLID principles are essential to allow for the smooth transition of the UI into production.

I can produce the UI maintaining the HTML SCSS and JS (Typescript) with a focus on DRY principles and component based architecture. I'm able to manage complex requirements and product interactive features using Object Oriented JS.

I am both creative and technically minded and like to learn new technologies with the aim of creating engaging and innovative user experiences.

I would like to work for a company that has their own software at the centre of its business. I enjoy working with people across all levels of a company, bringing ideas together and helping realise a leading software solution.

What I can do:
- UI - HTML5, SCSS, flex, grid, accessibility.
- DESIGN SYSTEMS - XD, style guides.
- FRONT END - Object-oriented JS, Typescript, Webpack.
- PROTOTYPING - analysis, requirement gathering, wireframing, prototyping.
- SEO - G4 Analytics, SEMrush.
- Testing - Nightwatchjs, BrowserStack, test-driven development.
- UX - Usability testing, A/B testing, journey analysis, personas.
- AGILE - Sprint planning, Agile requirement gathering.
- TOOLS- MS Visual studio / Code, Photoshop, GIT.

UX analysis of new features (UX analysis, E-commerce)

Download and view a powerpoint presentation of analysis of a new feature I gave to the business at appliance online. I used Heat map analysis as well as user playback (video recordings) to ensure the feature was providing a benefit and also suggest improvements.

UX analysis insights and mocks for COOP travel websites (UX analysis, E-commerce)

Download and view powerpoint presentations I have gave to travel companies on behalf of an agency I represented.

Vue based style guide (HTML CSS template library)

To support the development inhouse and to outsource teams I created the following HTML CSS template library and style guide. It was built as a Dev tool in Vue

PDF floor plan viewer (Javascript, HTML5 canvas)

Follow the link to see a bespoke PDF viewer created as a central feature of the system. It was used to embed an architectural plan in a web page. It was built on the pdf.js framework (https://mozilla.github.io/pdf.js/). The pan and zoom was custom made to work the same as autocad. It also allowed for a positionable legend and printing.

Datagrids (HTML, SCSS, Javascript)

Custom datagrids combining Sticky headers, a footer with summation and column sorting.

XD Design system New!

Templated UI in XD

UX Design of web application (High fidelity mocks and Journey planning)

Download and view a powerpoint presentation of screen mockups I produced at WTS. They show maps of the journeys through the system based on implementation as well as screens mocked up of the system in various states. This helped the business see what they were going to get and were used by the Dev team as a visual aid to help maintain quality.